Is there a ruler of the universe? Is there a superior being? What is the point of my existence? What will happen when I die? These are searching questions that surely deserve some thought and answers?
Throughout the ages, people have felt compelled to worship something or someone greater than themselves. Ancient cultures had sun gods, thunder gods, and many others. It is apparent that inside every person is something that longs to relate to a higher power.
How can the harmony and balance of nature be explained? Think of the endless food chains, both on land and sea. One animal is food for another, which in turn feeds another.
Who put the calendar in the heads of the wild birds so they know when it is time to migrate to a warmer climate? It could be just instinct but who placed the instinct there?
Consider the fish of the sea? Who put in the brain of the salmon how to leave its ocean home and find the river and the very stream where its life began. And there it lays its eggs, and soon dies, making room in the cycle of life for its offspring who will follow the exact pattern of all its ancestors. Do you think this all just happened by chance?
We know the universe is so well ordered that clocks are set by the rotation of the earth, the stars, and the planets. Who was it that set this precise rhythm of the universe in motion? Was it really all by chance?
We believe that the plan for the universe, for nature, for human beings has been set in order by the Great God of heaven and earth. It is He who created us and He loves us and is interested in every aspect of our lives.
Faith is believing something we cannot see. We cannot see God but we see His creation, everywhere! One of the most convincing evidences that there is a God, we believe, is the change that takes place in a person‘s life, as he becomes intimately acquainted with Him.
Where there was hate, there is now love. Where there was fighting, there is now peace. Where there was turmoil within, there is now rest. Where there were endless questions, there is now a quiet confidence.
Do you feel a restlessness inside or a longing for answers? Do not stifle that feeling or try to ignore it. It is God reaching out to you. The same God that created the earth is your God.
He loves you more than you can possibly imagine. He has given you faith, and He wants you to use it to believe in His Son, Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He was born over 2000 years ago, as a gift from God to mankind. It was a virgin birth, conceived by the Holy Spirit. Jesus lived on earth without committing sin. This was essential and part of God’s amazing and wonderful plan.
He had to be sinless because God was going to sacrifice His Son and allow Him to die a horrible death for us. He died on the Cross, at Calvary, just outside Jerusalem, and was punished by God, in our place. All the sins of the world, past, present, and future, were put upon His Son. Jesus exchanged our sins for His righteousness, so that those who believe would have eternal life. Would be saved. That is why Jesus is our saviour.
Jesus was punished in our place. That is why He is our Saviour. No other faith offers salvation this way. All other faiths insist on striving for personal perfection. Something that can never be attained on our own. The Christian faith is all about what Jesus Christ did for us. Not about what we can do. That is Grace, unconditional and unearned favour. Now that IS Good News! It’s not about how good we are but how good Jesus is.
Sin was dealt with on the Cross. God is no longer angry with us because Jesus paid the price in our place. If we believe on Him we are saved and have eternal life, which means intimate relationship with God, our Heavenly Father, our Creator, forever!
It is also important to know that Jesus did not just die but also, very importantly, was gloriously raised from the dead. Jesus took the keys of hades from Satan, which means He took from Satan all authority and gave it to believers. Jesus is alive! Today!
Jesus now sits at Gods right hand, interceding for every believer. He also sent us the Holy Spirit, who is the third part of the Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is our teacher, our helper, our comforter, and our guide. We believe that God has given us everything to live a victorious life now. We just need to believe His Word, which we demonstrate through being doers of His Word, doing what Jesus did.
Hopefully this description has given you the desire to know more. Contact us. Come to our Tuesday afternoon meetings, and Friday morning zoom meetings. Learn to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. He loves you so much. He sacrificed His life for you, that if you believe on Him you will have LIFE, and life in abundance!
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